Posted yesterday for your beginning of September, pre-Labor Day (here in the US) end-of-Summer reading pleasure – here’s a summary of all the news I’ve found this past month about album cover artists, their work and related activities. There are updated stories about new museum and gallery exhibitions, works for sale, auctions, interviews (inc. some live events), podcasts, etc. As always, there’s more than a handful of interesting and entertaining items that I’m sure you’ll enjoy, so take a moment from your getting the kids back to school (safely, I hope) responsibilities (If you’re still doing that sort of thing) and click on over to the ACHOF to view the latest summary -
Enjoy the read, and please feel free to share this with your friends and other fans of the art of the album cover (and news about the people that make it). Stay well, stay safe and let’s stay in touch.
Mike G