Well friends, Summer’s almost “officially” over, with Labor Day here in the U.S. just a few days away, but I do hope that you’ve all enjoyed yourselves – on Holiday, puttering about the garden, taking long bike trips or hikes, reading a good book - whatever it is that you did to enjoy the warm weather. I’m now going to interrupt what remains of your leisure time to inform you that the most-recent monthly ACHOF News Summary and Preview - for the months of August and September, 2018 has just been posted, covering all of the news, exhibitions, interviews, etc., that took place during the past month (August, 2018), as well as several previews of items of interest taking place in the coming month of September, 2018.
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I invite you to make yourselves your favorite libations, bring your notebook over to your comfiest chair and then begin your journeys through the stockpile of news releases and articles that were posted online this past month about the exhibitions, interviews, artist profiles, book/print publications and other album cover art/artist-related topics. As you’ve seen in my previous news summaries, your best approach to taking it all in is simply to read the summaries I’ve written and click the on the links provided. As a reward for your efforts, you'll get the details from sources from around the world on items featuring many of your favorite – or soon to be favorite – album art creators, with each snippet touting the latest news about the artists, musical acts, designers, photographers, galleries, curators and publishers who produce, support and promote the works created for music recordings from all over the globe.
I would like to remind you to pay special attention to the second part of the article that was recently published on the web site of the Norman Rockwell Museum’s Illustration History project! If you enjoyed the first half, I’m quite certain that you’ll also appreciate what you find in the second. As always, I ask that you please share this info with everyone you know who are fans of great album cover-related talent and, of course, your comments and feedback are quite welcome.
Finally, I’d like to ask all of my readers - including the many of you outside the U.S., wherever you might be – to please accept my continued wishes for Peace, Tolerance and Understanding and the hope that those forces will ultimately win out over the Greed, Fear and Racism that has slipped quietly, with evil intent, into our everyday lives. Until we meet again next month - Cheers, Mike G, and R.I.P. Aretha Franklin and Sen. John McCain.