MAY-BEE it’s time for the ACHOF Monthly News Summary - The most-recent monthly ACHOF News Summary and Preview for the months of April and May, 2018 has just been posted – Hello once again to all you fans of album art and artistry - I've just published the latest ACHOF monthly news summary, covering all of the news, interviews, etc., that took place during the past month (April, 2018), as well as several previews of items of interest taking place in the coming month of May, 2018.
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Like the shoe closets of deposed dictators, this month’s news package will astound you with its grandeur, with stories featuring the latest news about the artists, musical acts, designers, photographers, galleries, curators and publishers who produce, support and promote the works created for music recordings from all over the globe. And, while I know that it’s not looking too good for those of us who wanted to see the release of the limited-edition version of my Unsung Heroes album artist book via Kickstarter, there are still several days left for you to head on over to the project page - - and reserve a copy for yourself.
As you might figure, there’s so much to read and see in this month’s summary - album art and rock photo shows in the U.S., the U.K. and Italy featuring works by and/or about David Bowie, photographers Charles Moriarity and Art Kane and John Lennon/Yoko Ono, among many others; profiles on album art-makers including creative director Craig Braun, photographers Frank Ockenfels and Gunnar Stahl and the designer/illustrator known as Sixmau; another intriguing podcast from GOLDMINE Magazine about an impressive line of portable record players; info on the upcoming NY-area art show booth hosted by printmaker Gary Lichtenstein featuring new works by former Def Jam Records creative guru Cey Adams; ); new books coming out by two noted photographers – long-time Rolling Stone photographer Mark Seliger and Astrid Kirchherr, who chronicled the early growth of a band called The Beatles – as well as a book of Amy Winehouse photos by the aforementioned Mr. Moriarity, plus my mini-review of John Foster’s recent book on album art/artists (titled ALBUM ART: NEW MUSIC GRAPHICS and, as always, a nice selection of articles on a wide range of topics such as the premiere of a new documentary film about famed Japanese photographer Masayoshi Sukita (perhaps best known for his enormously-influential folio of portraits of David Bowie), a new 35th anniversary DVD about the making of the album cover for Michael Jackson’s huge hit Thriller, a “best album cover art” listing that is actually fairly thought-provoking, a restaurant in Wisconsin that offers rock music-themed craft cocktails (with an LP-style menu to match), details on vinyl LP-inspired bathroom fixtures (!!) and much, much more.
Please be sure to share this info with everyone you know who might be a fan of great album cover art and, of course, please be sure to share your comments and feedback with me, as they’re all important additions to our site.
To all of my readers, wherever you might be – I wish you all a world where all news is good and important news and that we all work hard towards a world full of Peace, Tolerance and Understanding. Until next month - Cheers, Mike G
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