Album Cover Hall of Fame’s Album Cover News Recap – February, 2016
It's that time again, folks - It’s early March 2016, and what a month we’ve just had in album art-related news. While there has been plenty to distract us from fully-engaging in the things we’re most passionate about, the album art world has continued to deliver a lot for us to see and learn about, with the ACHOF news feed showcasing the many exhibitions, lectures, award shows and other such activities we reported on during the last 29 days. Even with a short month, our news feed has been chock-full of stories on the many interviews, features, artist profiles, new gallery/museum shows and other similar items of interest.
Click on over to the ACHOF site to read the news summary for February - you'll find that there's a lot to your liking there - enjoy, and share with friends!
Special Note to Fans of Hip-Hop Music, Art and Culture – I do hope that you’ll read my Feb 9th article on maestro Rocky Bucano’s work to establish (with the help of a host of industry luminaries) a museum (first, online, then in a permanent home in the NYC area) dedicated to the topic. To find out more, visit his project page on the Kickstarter site at and pledge your support for this much-needed effort.